My favorite part of being a missionary is getting to meet the sweetest of people
2 years ago yesterday was when I first met the missionaries and simply prayed to know if the Book of Mormon is true and my life has been forever changed.
And it is so humbling to now get to help others along their spiritual journey to the greatest truth and pure joy anyone could receive.
And all of the people we meet are oh so different and come from completely different backgrounds, but everyone has the ability to know of these beautiful truths!
Our investigator James (Kaniyah's) granddad is finally going to be baptized, after have meeting with the missionaries 4 years ago! They are literally the sweetest ever, we see them everyday and they just feel like family! Kaniyah is forever the highlight of my week! She has been trying to be better about her morning prayers, and one day she said that she got on the bus, saw us on our morning run and remembered she needed to pray! she said "I looked at my friend all shocked and told her i forgot to pray, so i started praying" then we asked, " oh like just a little prayer in your head?" she said " no i said it out loud", we asked "oh did your little friend pray with you?" she said, "I don't know my eyes were closed" Haha she is seriously the cutest thing ever! When we told her about the restoration we explained that we have a prophet and proper priesthood authority she said, "we need to make flyers so that everyone can know this!"
she has so much love and enthusiasm for the gospel and makes me want to be a better person every day. Basically i just love her a whole lot!
And never underestimate or give up on someone you think may not "want or need" the gospel of Jesus Christ because I can assure you that everyone needs the peace and joy that comes from being able to access the atonement of Jesus Christ more fully in their lives and that is only possible through His restored church. Never doubt that that is real, and needed. I pray we may all reach out with courage to those around us who may not even know that their souls are searching for the greatest gift ever.
Love y'all bunches
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