Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Week of October 17th

Hello from Charleston for the last time, I'm being transferred tomorrow and have no idea where I am going. Except that I can only go to one of 6 areas because I was called as a sister training leader so that's pretty neat. I'm pretty excited but my heart will just be here for probably the next week or so. Which is actually pretty cool because I've been so stinking blessed to be here. Sister Heaton and I have been together for the last 4 1/2 months and we pinch ourselves like every morning because we are so blessed. I'm so THANKFUL that this is going to be so hard. Like wow I've never had greater joy than being here. I love my sweet YSA branch with my whole heart a soul. 
I hope y'all have a good long while because so many things happened this week that I just have to tell you about, and I mostly just really don't want to go pack :) 
K Monday.. So everyone was just getting back from Columbia for the hurricane and we hadn't seen each other in a whole week so we had a cute little bonfire and pizza thing at Micheals for FHE and it was so great.
Then Tuesday our branch did a service project (we made cookies and delivered them to police and fire departments) and that was so great as well. Not to mention the yummy pumpkin cookies we basically ate for dinner ( still 2nd best to mama Buckey's pumpkin bread). 
Wednesday was such a good day, we were super busy with appointments like all day, the best was with our less active BFF Keisha. She was baptized a couple of years ago and has been busy with the navy. We found her when I first got here and met with her a couple of times, but then she dropped off the face of the earth. I was so heart broken and just really learned about others peoples agency. BUT THEN we finally got to see and teach her and just be super real with her. It was a super emotional lesson and I just really felt Heavenly Father's love for her. We had another awesome lesson like Thursday AND she came to church with us for the first time yesterday, yah basically I'm the happiest. 
Oh yah and we also taught Jacob and it was amazing as always, it was super neat to hear his testimony and just feel the Spirit so strongly. 
Thursday was quite a day. It was one of sister Heaton and I's favorite days.. Lol so basically we've been super stressed out because we knew transfers were coming up and also Jacobs baptism. And we got in this cute little tiff and sis Heaton went in the closet because it's not like we can actually leave each other haha and I was just having no desire to fix it, we were just being super stubborn ha. Well.. I barley heard the phone ring and realized we had 5 missed calls from our Mission President. What are the odds. We answered and he told me I was being called as a sister training leader and leaving the area this week. Sister Heaton and I learned lots from it and totally laugh at how cute we were for making that happen :) we then had Jacobs baptismal interview and it was just a really cool day. 
Friday we had our zone meeting which was sweet because we learn so much from the Spirit about how we can just be happy and be better with the work, and we love our zone. Then we had appts all day. Like we were at the NEX(navy exchange, where we meet on base with the navy kids) for 3 hours with 4 back to back appts, which was great. We have this girl in the navy that was just baptized in April and she brought a friend to her lesson who is now investigating and came to church yesterday, it was so neat. 
Saturday was super stressful and crazy as well. Lots of figuring stuff out for Jacobs baptism( oh yah we had to change the time and day like 4 times) there were literally like 10 different things that came up that just made our lives so hard. Sis Heaton and I were absolutely spiritually, emotionally and physically exhausted. Literally pushed to the edge, BUT Heavenly Father taught me something. We are tried and stretched so that we can grow, it teaches us who we are and then who Christ is and how we can better trust and rely on Him and then become like Him. We had this cute little last dinner/lesson with Jacob. Micheal was a sweetheart and got us steak. It was literally heaven. So it all worked out, and we are just so blessed. 
So we had the elders from the other Ward start filling the baptismal font up early because it takes like 3-4 hours and we are pretty far from the church. When we got to church we looked and it was about half way and was on for like 2 hours which was good. Except right before we were about to start the actual sacrament, we were snatched out of the chapel to see water in the hall way. Yah. We were so so confused and felt terrible. We semi got yelled at but we understand that people were probably just stressed and couldn't of possibly known we already had had a week, so it's fine haha. But it stunk because our branch president wasn't there and none of the people had keys so we had to stay in the room so no kids accidentally went in the water, (like of the baptismal font because they could drown) So we missed sacrament and the fast and testimony meeting. I was devastated. Especially because it was my last Sunday, and we had 3 investigators at church, Keisha and Jacob were literally sitting right next to me, and we had to leave? Ah it broke my heart. 
Afterwards we found out that it didn't overflow and wasn't our fault because there was a leak in the pipe or something so that was good. It's actually pretty hilarious and taught me lots. Like we had such a good Sunday school lesson afterwards about faith. And I've realized that the experiences I went through this week put me in the position to absolutely hunger for the word of God. To truly be nourished and edified. And I was. And it really is just up to us. I felt the Spirit so strongly for the remainder of the day, but especially at Jacob's baptism. Up until the very end it was super stressful, but Jacob was baptized and he received the Holy Ghost and actual joy fills my heart and soul. We sang our musical number, and I know it's not my cup of tea but oh my goodness was the Spirit so strong. Ps when we sat back down afterwards, this kid named Joe said "thanks for making me cry you jerks" it was so sweet <3
And then! Our branch mission leader who was conducting asked me to get up and bear my testimony and it was so neat. I'm so thankful he followed the Spirit and that I was able to do that. I was so bummed I wasn't able to during sacrament, but I was then able to during Jacob's baptism and it made it that much sweeter. 
I have learned so much this week you guys. And it's pretty funny because last Monday I wrote president and told him "I'm excited to see what this week brings because it's in the Lords hands and not mine" yeah basically that what my week summed up to be. A ton of things out of my control, but the Lord showed me it all worked out and just made it so much better. 
I just love my Heavenly Father and Savior Jesus Christ so much. I'm so thankful for the Holy Ghost who LITERALLY guides and comforts me. I absolutely love my life. I love that we can learn and grow. And I love to know that my Redeemer lives. Even when I'm totally freaked out and am so unsure about my next step, peace fills my heart because I am not doing this alone. I know God is mindful of each and every single one of us. He has a plan for us. Sometimes we just don't see it, but I know we will all benefit greatly to strive a little harder each day to see the Lord's hand in our lives. He's just so good to us you guys, I promise. 
"Nevertheless, I know in whom I have trusted." 2 Nephi 4:19

Love, Sister Buckey 

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