then wait super last minute to write ha
BUT basically I love Columbia, I have definitely felt our purpose in
being here so far. We've been working with this sweet lady named Karen
who hasn't been to church in like and hear and was baptized about 3
years ago. We knocked on her door like the first day here, and she
takes notes in our lessons and came back to church! She so sweet :)
ALSO greatest thing ever.. We still get to teach Lichong and yang!
Like they are going YSA but because we understand them we get to keep
teaching them which like never happens, especially since we are in a
new area. Crazy
And fort Jackson has been amazing as always. Like it's definitely the
hardest thing I've done as a missionary but also we rely on the Lord
so much better to be able to help the soldiers. Pvt Marshall was
baptized yesterday, he came to church for the first time ever like
right before Christmas, and I got to teach him 3 times which kinda
doesn't happen but it just worked out that way so it's been really
sweet. He has changed so much, like at first he wasn't really sure if
God was real or see a need for a relationship but also knew something
was missing. And he found it. Simply because he started praying and
reading from the Book of Mormon. THE GOSPEL CHANGES AND BLESSES LIVES.
I love it.
We went to the zoo last week, here's a koala
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