already? And how have I been with Hermana Brady for 6 weeks, and now
she goes home to in 2 days ah it's so weird. Especially like the
timing of things, I've just learned lots about it this week. And I
feel like I often don't understand God's timing until after I have a
reason to, like because of a miracle or something. But I've noticed
that things just always work out and we just have to trust God. And I
feel like it takes a lot to trust Him. And I totally had to start from
scratch. I still remember my first times of learning how to pray and
just doing the things that the missionaries invited me to do. I felt a
little lost and unsure but I BELIEVED it would help me. And it did,
and continues to, and I wouldn't be where I am now if it wasn't for
that trust. Faith is having a knowledge of who God is and how He feels
about us. And knowledge that He wants what is best for us, and when we
trust that we will follow Him. And then our faith just continues to
increase and to be built (kinda like a muscle you know). I hope this
all makes sense.
Like earlier this last week I started to get a cold and it totally
sucked, like I felt like I had strep or something and it's not like I
can just rest. Plus we had service and thanksgiving and we're going to
be around a lot of people and I didn't want to get anyone sick. So I
called the elders and asked if this was something I could get a
priesthood blessing for. And I know blessings are according to our
faith, and I felt like I totally had the faith to like have my cold
just go away, because that's what I wanted. And I know God has like
the power to do that, but would it really be that easy? I just had
lots of questions about how my faith could work with this blessing.
And in the blessing God promised that I wouldn't get anyone sick and
that I would be able to do what He needed me to. Which was super real,
because even though I felt absolutely miserable and the situation
stunk(especially because of thanksgiving and not having an appetite, I
LOVE THANKSGIVING) but we just had lots of people to see. My sickness
wasn't taken from me. I was just given strength and energy. And He
taught me so much through this cold that I've had. HE KEEPS HIS
US TO HELP OTHERS. like being able to do service, even though I had to
blow my nose only a hundred times, I was still able to do what he
needed me to, and I feel like there was just greater joy because it's
was way difficult. Like man everything would've been way fun if I was
normal for the service and thanksgiving, like what're the odds and
timing of it all? I could've thrown a fit about it(I honestly probably
did for a sec) but then I just got over it and trusted God.
K I know I probably just sound crazy but I'm just grateful for
everything we go through in life and the things that we are able to
learn. I love being able to trust God and in His timing.
Like last night we went to go find this 20 something year old kid
named Kevin who hasn't been to church in like 6 years, and it was late
and cold and he wasn't home. But we knew and trusted that God wanted
us in that area. So we knocked around, some people didn't have time or
want to listen, another gentleman made sure to take the time so we
"knew we were wrong" and then more closed doors (ps sis Brady and I
don't know why we have so much rejection together haha). And I'm like
why, why do we go to all these doors for nothing? What's the purpose?
And then we walked back to our car and Kevin just got home. And we
were able to talk with Him. And we are going back this week to teach
him and to help him develop and strengthen his faith in Christ again.
K what is timing?? Ha it was just really cool and I'm grateful to be
apart of this work. I'm grateful that God knows us and wants to help
us. I'm grateful we get to o learn about His character, and I KNOW
that when we sincerely seek understanding He gives it to us. And I
know we don't have to be in darkness if we don't want to, we can
choose to seek God. And if it's not working and you still like you
can't figure things out, try doing things differently. President
Uchtdorf talked about listening differently in conference this last
year. And we just can't ever give up, just keep trying, peace and
understanding will come.
Not a ton of stories sorry ha buuuut I did get lots of help and love
this week. Like this elder gave me a tons of meds and then our
investigator Stephen brought out this heater guy and a blanket for me
since we had to meet outside and it was like 8pm and cold.
Oh and our cute Chinese girls are showing us how to make dumplings
today, WE LOVE THEM. And it was really neat because we talked to them
about their prayers and they asked like what things to pray for
because everyday seemed like a lot of times to pray, and then they
were so happy when they found out they could pray in Chinese too! Haha
yes God is pretty sweet for speaking all languages I guess!
Service! We are helping to rebuild homes damaged from the floods so
families can come back home
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