weeks ago? Yah sorry I lied. THIS WEEK was the actual busiest. First
off, I gave two trainings in our meetings, and then I gave a talk at
fort Jackson and then we did a musical number in the Hopkins Ward.
Haha idk why I sing so much, I can't sing! And it was really funny
because we were asked last week to sing in sacrament so we invited the
elders and the Caines boys(young men) and Hannah( young women) to sing
will us. We just needed more voices haha. The best part though was we
only had one day to practice, but we couldn't even make it because we
ended up teaching instead.. So our first time singing it with everyone
else was in sacrament. But the Spirit was super strong, and we sang I
stand all amazed which is a hymn from my baptism so it was super
special. My mission has taught me a lot about music and the Spirit,
like it doesn't really matter if you can't sing all the well. But you
can really feel the Spirit when others sing and especially when you
Then we also were able to go out and try to find a lot, and we had a
lot of weird rejection.. Like people who we had taught and felt the
Spirit and were super interested just like shut the door in our faces
several times. And all we can do is go to the next. Like I only get
discouraged for a sec, and then you just realize there is so much good
and we are just finding people who want to follow Christ. And it's all
so worth it because of our two cute Chinese girls we are teaching!
Their names are Lichong "yen" and Yang! We saw them on Saturday and it
was so good. Like it's really hard to explain Jesus Christ and the
church to them because there is a little language barrier and they
just really don't know them. But they are reading and coming to church
and wanting to learn. It was so funny though because I was trying to
explain the proper priesthood authority by using an ice cream truck vs
a policeman pulling you over to get you a ticket and they didn't know
what ice cream was so I just got them super confused. And the member
that came with us said "man we must sound really crazy" Haha THEY ARE
SO CUTE. And we are just trying to hard to help them learn, and it's
been the neatest thing. Like I just want them to know that Jesus
Christ is real.
Ive learned that even though we don't understand everything, because
most of the time we don't, when we put our trust in the Lord He helps
us to gain understanding. And when we do the little things to exercise
faith in Him, He helps us grow. We truly can do all things through
Christ. And I don't know why, I just know it's real. And I know this
is His church. And I know my purpose. I know the scriptures give me
guidance. I have that trust when ever I open them, and that's only
come through experience. To get where we need to be and where God
needs us to be, we need to act. To do things. And luckily we know what
things to do and actions to take because of our Savior Jesus Christ.
He is our example. And I don't follow Him just because I want to be a
good person or even really to go to heaven, like those are the
blessings and fruits that come from following Him. But I follow Him
because I love Him. And I just know He loves us. What He has done for
us is real. What He continues to do for us is real. His church is here
so we can know what He continues to do for us. Like I know everyone
has different paths and experiences, trials and challenges but the
Gospel of Jesus Christ is the answer for all of us. I promise. And I
know that no matter what we are going through, applying his teachings
will help us. It won't take our problems away, because He needs us to
grow through them and become better. And Christ just makes it better.
He is our Savior for a reason. And just everything about His gospel
makes sense.
I had the opportunity to teach Pvt Faraci yesterday, and as I was
telling him about how Christ has restored his church he said "it all
just makes sense and I feel really good" and that's because it's true.
And I pray we can all more fully come to know our Savior. And if you
love Him and want to follow Him and want to draw nearer to Him, talk
to the missionaries, they will help you. They will love to help you.
Because God has called them to help you. And everything they do,
giving up their jobs, schooling, families, everything for this time,
is because they want to help you. I promise I wouldn't be out here if
that wasn't true. If this wasn't Christ church I would've come home
already. But it is true. And I just love this gospel so much you guys.
And I'm just going to spend my whole life so everyone I know and love,
will come to know this. I promise. And I love you. And I just hope
everyone enjoys their thanksgiving and eats so much food and watches
football for me. And just know my heart is with you okay.
Oh I almost forgot, we go to go to the BYU soccer game on Thursday,
and I got to see sister Campbell because her sister plays for BYU. And
there were a ton of missionaries. And then we had a fireside with the
team the next night. It was really really cool.
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