This week was great and lots of cool things happened (other that all the humidity lol) idk how to even sum it up.
Basically we were just able to find lots and see little miracles. Like we were finally able to go into the home of this less active member we found months ago. Her name is Tamera and I've just always felt so strongly about teaching her and her family and things haven't ever worked. Well we were able to teach her and it was definitely a lesson to remember, I just felt the Spirit work through me and basically felt the Lord pleading with her to come back to Him. I just felt His genuine love for her.
We had our zone conference and the musical number actually went super well, not that I remember because I'm sure I like passed out, jk but I was so stinking nervous. And I thought we would do it in the middle of the meeting like normal right? NO. We did it at the very beginning and I was so blind sided.
Also we got a call from this random number at like midnight and we were so confused, but this lady had got our number and wanted us to come help her serve a meal to the community. We had like no idea what was going on but do we ever actually? It ended up being so fun! We meet the sweetest human ever, her name is Sharon, she's this cute little black lady and also my best friend. Like literally it was so easy to talk with her and all those who were serving did the cupid shuffle and it was so great. Like I barley paid attention to the fact that we had been outside for hours..the humidity is real you guys. But yah we are going to see her this week, she is of the Islam faith but it was cool to find our common ground and I just respect her so much. I hope we will have the opportunity to bring her the truth. I'm so so thankful that we were able to meet her, and it just strengthened my testimony that the Lords hand is in it all :)
Like the Lord has blessed me with some amazing people, I love serving here.
And as always, I love fort Jackson. I was able to teach this new soldier last week, Pvt Crosby, and he was baptized yesterday. What. It happened in just a week, except also not. He had been attending church with his girlfriend for the last year and a half and is just super Prepared. He was so happy and I'm sure his girlfriend is just so pumped that he has the gospel and this added help. I'm so grateful, simply because the Lord has let me be His hand in others lives. And I'm not talking just about on my mission, the Lord continues to need us to help uplift and bless others no matter what our current calling may be. DON'T FORGET IT OKAY.
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