Monday we got locked out of our apartment at 6:30am because my comp
thought she left something in the car but then she forgot to grab the
keys..we had to wait till 9 for the office to open...and then we were
on lockdown in the evening because of Halloween and we totally were
going to do like crafts or be productive but the Charleston
sisters(Sister Haynie and my BFF sister Vorkink) came and spent the
night for MLC(missionary leadership meets with president like all day
for how to train our zones and what not) the next day.. So yeah we
just talked most of the night haha
Tuesday was awesome, loved being with the missionaries and president.
Wednesday we did some service for Tina because her house just needs
help, and the sweet young men came and helped out and it was so cool.
Like the ward loves her and she was so touched by them helping her.
We've had some amazing lessons with her and I've seen her grow so
much. I love Tina.
Friday we had ZTM, which is when we give our trainings to the Zone and
that was fun, we also had interviews with president during it and it
was so busy! Then we had to go the baptism to fill up the font but the
elders said it only fills up to a certain point and then stops, and
because Tina has bad knees we need to fill it up more with buckets. Ha
so they came and helped and we literally carried buckets and pitchers
from the sink to the font for over an hour straight. It was so cool
because we were so excited for her baptism and it was pretty funny.
THE BAPTISM WAS PERFECT. Ha like perfect for Tina, everyone's talks
were super funny but also real with her and the Spirit was so strong.
We also did another musical number with the elders which we only got
to practice for like a total of 45 mins this week since we were so
busy preparing for ZTM and the baptism it's self. So that was great
haha. And then when she was baptized everyone started clapping and we
don't even know why but it totally worked and my heart is so full.
Then Saturday we had quite the rejections.. We were talking with this
polish lady about Jesus Christ through her front window because her
dogs were barking, and then we talked about the Book of Mormon and she
said "oh you guys are Mormon?" And then started laughing and saying no
no no and then shut the window on us. Yah totally unexpected ha. Then
we found this family last week that wanted to learn more, but they
didn't answer the door so we called them and heard their phone ring
and nothing.. Then their neighbors asked why we were seeing them and
then texted them to let them know we came to see them and then their
lights turned off, it was so awkward and sad haha. And then we also
went to this house of a lady who ordered a bible but she had a pitbull
outside and he was kind of freaking out. So we prayed for a good long
while whether we should go or not and decided we should because
salvation, it was so scary but so so worth it. Well the lady told us
she didn't want to believe in God or learn of him but she took the
bible and Book of Mormon so at least she has an opportunity for when
she is prepared and seeking for truth.
Because no matter how many times we get rejected.. I know it's true.
Like so so true.
But Sunday was my favorite day. We had a baptism this weekend at Fort
Jackson of a soldier I taught the restoration to just 2 weeks ago (Pvt
Wright) and it was neat to be apart of it. He invited one of his
buddies, Pvt Carroll to come since he was being baptized, and then I
taught him the restoration and now he wants to be baptized in 2 weeks.
And these have been some of the most spiritual lessons because the are
so humble and just know it's true. He also has an older brother who
was baptized into the church a few years ago. Which reminded me of my
sister and I, the Lord has taught me lots about baptism this past week
and my testimony has been strengthened. Anddd Tina was getting
confirmed and we thought we totally missed it because we were teaching
at fort Jackson but when we walked in she was getting confirmed and it
all worked out so perfectly:)
K I hope some of my email made sense haha I'm literally so exhausted
and loving every moment of it even though it's hard. But it's so worth
it. The joy that comes from seeing people recognize the truth of the
miracle that God still speaks to us today and restore his church AND
then having desires to follow Christ through baptism so they can
actually access what Christ has done for them is amazing. Doesn't even
I love you all so much, and I'm sorry if I haven't been able to write
or respond as much as I'd like I've just been quite busy, no excuses I
know. K love you
xo sis bucket
Sis Haynie and sis Brady
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