sis Heaton and after our MLC we go and get bomb burgers from this
place called Pawley's Porch.
We also went and got lunch at Dipratos, they have bomb sandies with
homemade pita chips and pimento cheese. And we also got some southern
breakfast at lizards thicket because we had to take another sister to
the airport. Food helps with most things, and it's included in most of
our bucket list things before sis V goes home.
Basically my favorite part of the week is all of the people we get to
see. We are helping a lot of people coming back to church. Colies
baptism got pushed back for a couple of weeks though. There were just
a lot of road blocks that came up this week. And I'm grateful the Lord
just constantly teach s us through it all. I've noticed that I've been
witnessing miracles of timing. Like we will feel inspired to be in an
area and right when we get there the person will show up so you just
know it's super inspired. But then actually nothing comes of it. It
just sucks feeling like everything adds up perfectly and then nothing.
It has been frustrating and honestly made us start questioning faith.
But then I realize that I don't see everything that God does, or the
purpose of it all.
I recognize that I know nothing
My mission is not about me or the way I think/want things to go
But it's about serving the Lord and people
Missions are the literal refiners fire, and it like doesn't stop.
People literally close doors in your face, I sometimes feel bad
knocking on the door when people are so annoyed of us. Investigators
drop you. And you even let yourself down, like my imperfections just
always seem so apparent to me.
But it's not about me
I LOVE who Christ is. The character of Christ is to turn out and that
is healing to your soul.
This week I gave a training about not being perfect ha
And it wasn't a part of what President wanted us to train on. When the
Zone leaders and us were planning our training we felt like something
was missing. (Side note Sis V and I play this game where we randomly
switch the song or flip open the scriptures to describe something or
someone) So sis V flipped to a hymn about the sacrament. We were kind
of joking but then I actually ended up giving a training about keeping
our covenants, and how it helps us to be better. Like in sports
"practice makes perfect" you just focus on the fundamentals and Gods
And it's totally ok that we aren't perfect or when things don't go
right. Like the other day we just kept doing a bunch of little dumb
things. We forgot to get our apartment key back from the elders so
sis V threw our keys into a bush. Which made us then have to crawl in
this bush for like 15 mins to find them. Don't worry we can laugh
about it now..
But amongst all the mistakes we make (however big or small) it's still
about the people. The coolest thing ever happened at fort Jackson. I
got to teach Pvt Frederick. His sorry is really cool. His first time
at church was last week, but he graduated this week so he was baptized
yesterday, and he was totally ready. So basically his battle buddy Pvt
Fugami brought this other non member battle buddy to church a couple
of weeks ago. He wasn't super interested but took a Book of Mormon.
Well weeks later Pvt Frederick was asking a lot of questions about God
so the none member kid gave him his Book of Mormon. Pvt Fugami later
found him reading it and asked how he got it. He then asked if he
could go to church with him. SO COOL. I'm sure Pvt Fugami felt a
little discouraged when his first battle buddy came and didn't want to
be apart of it, but later on it was the very thing that brought Pvt
Frederick to the gospel. Like it was just what I was learning about
this week and it was so neat. I LOVE FORT JACKSON YOU GUYS. We have
had some challenges with being on base lately, especially because we
got a new AP. So elder Fuchs wasn't able to come yesterday, which made
it stressful, security has just been tricky lately. But we found out
we are the only sister missionaries on base anyways. We are so blessed
and it's really cool to be apart of this work.
Pvt Frederick and Boehmer baptism
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