stressful and nothing went as we planned or hoped. Which is swell, and
So yah Heavenly Father blessed us with our sweet navy investigator
Jacob who is on date for baptism in 2 weeks. He loves church and the
Book of Mormon so much.
We asked like on Tuesday what he thinks about it and if he'd prayed to
know if it was true. So the night before he prayed and asked, and then
the next morning he went to close it and put it away and he said his
heart just started racing and he just felt warm and really good and
knew that was his answer. HOW NEAT. The Spirit was so strong when he
was sharing his experience and yeah I'm the happiest person alive.
He also said that he just loves reading the Book of Mormon because it
seems "easier" to read and makes so much sense, and I'm like yah same.
He's so sweet because in his prayers( which he's gotten so good at
btw) he says "thank you for leading me to your true church and bless
the sisters please and thank you" k he's our BFF. And he's totally so
willing to stop drinking green tea every morning because he loves God
and just knows it's true, so cool. Like Jacob has strengthened my
testimony so much. And the fact that Sister Heaton and I have been
pulling out hair out all week doesn't even matter. Because bringing
souls to Christ brings literal joy. JOY.
And I'm so grateful to be apart of Jacob's journey of knowing the
greatest thing this life could ever bring us, eternal happiness.
Our members were also great this week as always. They're so so willing
to come out with us to appointments and it helps a ton.
Some other highlight from the week..
My mom sent me a surprise package with yummy food in it( thanks ma)
but long story short it was out in the wrong mail box and it was a big
ordeal/ lots of trips to the post office and we finally got it figured
out but got to the post office 5 mins after it closed.. I seriously
wanted to cry haha but this sweet guy named Greg went into the back
and reopened everything just so I could get it. We thanked him a
million times because anything from home is just so dear to us little
missionaries and I totally would've been so sad the rest of the day.
We love Greg.
Also we were in a lesson with this less active kid and across the
street in the neighbors house I could see a football game was on and I
was in the middle of testifying and I said " Is that the Rams? Who are
they playing?" We started laughing and thought it was ridiculous that
I got distracted by a football game in somebody else's house. My comp
thinks I'm great haha
Hope y'all have a great week and just keep loving God. Oh yeah general
conference is this weekend and I'm soooo excited :) hope y'all get a
chance to listen to our prophet and tell me your favorite thing you
learn this weekend LOVE YA
K. Where even am I. This huge spider..
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