has my heart. The people and the places like wow I'm just so happy
But I've totally l learned that happiness doesn't come from our
circumstances, it's more just like who we are, and have to choose to
be. There are disappointments everyday, but there is also so much
good. And it's cool how the gospel of Jesus Christ helps us so much.
Like Christ is compared to the sun at noon day, he helps us to see the
beauty and blessings around us, even without being able to see Him. He
has totally opened my eyes, and I'm just forever grateful for my life.
Also okay so we get to meet so many people, and I love that we are all
different. Like we get to learn and take little things from each
person we meet in this life, how neat. This week we saw Steven, he was
baptized a couple of months ago and we are just really trying him to
live the gospel. We meet at this cute little pond and he brings bread
to feed the turtles. He also just started just singing this hymn in
the middle of our lesson, and Urla the alligator stared swimming
towards us.. Yeah what haha but seriously there is never a dull moment
with Steven
Wednesday was my 2 year mark and we got to see Sam who sang happy
Mormon birthday to me so that was a highlight, and we also taught the
restoration to this kid who is planing to go on a mission and it was
super spiritual and it was just a perfect Mormon bday, not to mention
we got ice cream too :)
On Friday we had zone conference and the young men in the stake tagged
along for a little on a mini mission to help them prepare and get them
excited for their missions. I loved hearing their testimonies and why
they want to serve, it was so neat. I'm just so thankful that Heavenly
Father constantly reminds me why I am here and how much I stinking
love doing His work, we just just have to open our eyes right
Ps I love hearing from y'all, know I just take ya in my little heart
where ever I go
And aurora YSA branch I got your package, what cuties thanks so much :)
Love and miss you all <3
Steven is a hoot
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